Friday, September 16, 2005


The President and Congress have agreed to spend alot of money in the Gulf Coast region. How? How do they get the money? and how do they spend the money? That is the question that should be in your mind as you judge the situation.

The Federal government is broke. It has money only because it can borrow on the good name of the USA. The Bush tax cuts have created a situation where we don't have the resources to handle a war and a disaster without leveraging the morgage on our future. And they are willing to sign that morgage rather than repeal some of the tax cuts. The President and Congress are saying they will pay for the rebuildeing of New Orleans with more spending cuts to the safety net that is ripping at the seams right now and more borrowing. I say NO! Let's repeal some tax cuts. Let's value people over property.

Monday, May 23, 2005


So I find this link on my favorites for my blog. My blog? Shit that's right my blog! The Selby Zeitgeist. My platform to speak truth to nobody in particular... It was a short lived experiment. Honestly, my last entry was about how the stars were aligning for John Kerry. Ouch! There it was in all its preachy glory with outdated links to news stories that pissed me off. Yea it sucked. It sucked so much I didn't read it.

So here is the new and improved Zeitgeist! I don't have a format in mind yet... How about where Star Wars and politics colide? The wild world of pundutry!

I want to find out who agrees with James Pinkerton's claim that Lucas purposely wrote Darth Vader to be like Bush on his journey to the dark side.

Seriously. Everbody knows that George Bush is Emperor Palpatine! Hasn't that been clear since Episode II? The whole fake war to centralize power thing.